Jarhead |
Today at Extra Innings we have Jared "Jarhead" Ellis of the Mid-Town Mariners. Jared is one of three Ellis brothers that are playing in the CCWA and they were the first trio of brothers to team up together. Their lifelong love of the Seattle Mariners inspired their team name choice a few years ago. Jared is also a big fan of University of Oregon football. When he's not at the wiffleball field enjoying a cold one and a Newport he's usually spending time with his girlfriend Michelle enjoying the outdoors or a concert.
Extra Innings - If you could play on any other CCWA team which one would it be?
Jared Ellis - When the M’s win a championship, the Ellis brothers agreed to let Ox change the moniker to the A’s. So…the A’s.
E.I. - What's your refreshment of choice during wiffleball?
J.E. - Whatever Ox brings in the cooler. Vitamin Water as well
E.I. - Who’s your favorite MLB team/player?
J.E. - MARINERS! The list of players can get long, current players are Ack-Attack and Felix. My favorite Mariner from my childhood is Joey Cora and I wear his number in wiffle. I hit like him too.
E.I. - What do you like on your cheeseburgers?
J.E. - BBQ Sauce, jalapenos, cheese, burger
E.I. - Who’s the toughest batter to face in the CCWA? Toughest pitcher?
J.E. - The toughest batter is Kush, we’ve practiced too much together. I don’t think I’ve missed his bat. The most terrifying batters are Moser and Omar. They hit super bombs. The toughest pitcher has always been Bento for me. I broke my o-fer streak against him earlier this year with a couple of blasts, but he’ll always have my number.
E.I. - How long do you plan on playing in the CCWA?
J.E. - As long as I live in the area and have a team, I’m playing.
E.I. - Do you have any pets? If so, what are they and what are their names?
J.E. - I have two cats: Johjima (named after underrated, former M’s catcher Kenji Johjima) and my girlfriend’s retarded cat Diva.
E.I. - Who’s your favorite pro wrestler?
J.E. - Uhhh…The Dudley Boyz?
E.I. - What do you love most about wiffleball?
J.E. - I’ve been playing wiffleball for as long as I can remember. It’s fun to play it in a competitive format against folks other than my brothers. I appreciate hanging with friends and meeting new people. Sitting around in the sun with a beer in hand is nice too.
E.I. - If you were stranded on an island and could only have three things what would they be?
J.E. - A plane, a pilot and Kate Upton.
E.I. - What’s your fondest CCWA memory?
J.E. - Game 2 of the playoffs against the Yankees in my first year. Burck agreed to buy the M’s dinner if we swept them. In a tie game in the last half inning of the game I hit a walk off 3 run blast to complete the sweep. All I saw was the back of Burck’s head as he was making a bee line towards his car. He sped off as the M’s celebrated their first playoff series win.
E.I. - Cologne?
J.E. - Newport smoke.
E.I. - What’s your favorite cheese?
J.E. - Sharp Cheddar, I ate a block of that shit in a week. Out of the block, fuck sandwiches.
E.I. - What’s in your CD player (iPod) right at this moment?
J.E. - The Black Keys – El Camino
E.I. - What’s the best way to spend a Saturday?
J.E. - These days, enjoying the wonder that is the Pacific Northwest. Hiking all around the Portland area. In the fall, GO DUCKS!